Post-production, news and sports...
...and everything Marquis in-between
Marquis is collaborating with many technology partners at NAB Show 2025, including Sony, Avid, LiveU, EVS, Grass Valley and Ross Video, helping streamline live video acquisition into your choice of editing system and getting content to air as quickly as possible. Find us on booth SL4528!
We'll be showcasing our range of products and workflow automation tools, along with clever collaborations with technology partners, including Avid, LiveU, EVS, Grass Valley, Ross Video and Sony. Whatever editing systems you use, we'll help streamline or migrate your media and metadata workflow, with growing file support for news and live production. So, whether you need to back-up your systems or migrate an entire workspace, Marquis has the tools and knowledge you need to manage your media and metadata.
We'd love to see you on the Marquis booth (SL4528) to meet with our team and to discuss any current workflow issues. Our MD, Jason Cowan, will be there, alongside Dave Franza, PMP and Paul Glasgow who look after sales, plus our CTO, Simon Fearn. From clever tech collaborations with our partners to ransomware protection, project parking and backup, Marquis can help streamline workflows and automate operations.
Growing file acquisition support in cloud environments
Marquis has enabled growing file support within its live production workflow with both LiveU Ingest and Sony C3 Portal – available to see on the Avid, LiveU and Sony stands. Ideal for fast-turnaround news and sports programmes, growing file support lets customers begin editing as soon as live recording starts, dramatically reducing time required to create a final edited programme or versions for different platforms. Importantly, there’s no operational intervention required between setting record on the camera and having an editable growing file in Avid, including associated metadata originating from Wolftech.
Sony Ci Media Cloud ingest workflow for non-PAM environments
Marquis’ innovative cloud-based news content gathering and production workflow has been extended to Sony's Ci Media Cloud, supporting multi-resolution ingest workflows between the two systems for both media and metadata. Producers can pre-select clips in Ci Media Cloud and then bring them into Media Composer using the Marquis Medway Clip Importer panel for editing, plus send media and metadata back to Sony Ci Media Cloud, including genealogy reports. The integration is fast, seamless and easy to use and is ideal for anyone who operates Avid alongside Sony Ci Media Cloud.
Medway Clip Importer panel for Media Composer
The Avid stand will show the latest version of our native Medway Clip Importer panel for Media Composer, which enables the same ingest and proxy-linking workflows with Avid on-prem and the cloud-based Avid | Edit On Demand. Designed for working in a non-MediaCentral environment, the Marquis panel shows files that Marquis has already transferred to Avid, allowing the video editor to access these easily and bring into a Media Composer edit.
Talk with all our technical partners at NAB Show 2025
Ross Video's Media I/O ingest, playout and transcode solution has been certified with Marquis Medway; this integration enables Medway to transfer and check video into Avid whilst still recording from Media I/O, allowing Avid users to edit growing files (growing file support is a feature of Avid MediaCentral / Interplay). Plus Marquis has enabled the export of sequences from Avid to EVS via Medway, allowing playout of growing files from Avid.
New versions of Project Parking and Workspace Tools
We are launching version 8 of both Project Parking and Workspace Tools software this month, including a new PAM Restore feature for Workspace Tools. This allows assets within the Avid Production Asset Management systems with missing media to restore the media directly from the backup, allowing users to restore only what they require. And, since Marquis software is Avid project-aware, this provides the industry's fastest restore times for work-in-progress.
Latest News

Marquis strengthens Medway integration with Adobe Premiere Pro

Jason Cowan joins Marquis as Managing Director, strengthening the management team