Integration Services
Marquis provides software integration services for many of the world’s largest media organisations. We manage and enable tricky workflow integrations, dealing with systems from multiple manufacturers, to help resolve missing workflow pieces and mitigate risk in key integrations.
How can we help?
When a customer makes the decision to change to a new infrastructure, the last point of integration or migration tends to be the most difficult and frustrating for them. The best resolution may not easily sit with any one vendor, integrator or supplier, but may also cause workflow inefficiencies and hinder business transformation. This is where Marquis can help; our pool of media integration knowledge and domain expertise is unique to the industry.
Expert development services knowledge
We deliver integrations to end-users, in house development teams, system integrators and media infrastructure partners. Not only do we develop our own products – used by studios, post houses and broadcasters – we use the expertise and intellectual property behind these products alongside our modular components to enable our integration services. This means we can deliver solutions faster and more predictably than would otherwise be possible.
We maintain a library of our own media-centric tools, plus test key multi-vendor integrations in our lab to mitigate project risk. Our close relationships with manufacturers, such as Adobe, Apple and Avid, means we always have the latest systems. Plus, importantly, we have a library of older systems and APIs, often unsupported by manufacturers. Our ability to integrate with obsolete systems is key to enable efficient and fast migration from old to new platforms and workflows, transiting ground and cloud production.
How we approach a new integration task
First, we research and scope a proposed integration and workflow. We then create a statement of work (SOW) that defines the deliverables, the workflow, the price and the schedule. If all variables and deliverables within the SOW are within our control, then our prices are fixed. It’s also best to involve us early in the project planning cycle so we can identify and mitigate project risk and also help scope and budget key integrations.
Case Studies
Voice-over Application
Replacing an obsolete voice-over system with automated recording, with background task monitoring and MAM integration for independent use by voice-over artists
Archive Migration
Streamlined AV archive workflow between remote locations at a facility, with bi-directional media and metadata integration between Avid Interplay and NOA Archive
Object Matrix to Dalet Galaxy MAM
Migration from Object Matrix (OM) Interplay archive to a network storage location under the control of Dalet Galaxy MAM
Latest News

Marquis grows its business-critical integration services

Marquis Broadcast Providing Enterprise Software Integration Services