
Marquis Broadcast at NAB 2018

Company launches Premiere Parking software for Adobe Premiere Pro CC, plus demonstrates its latest project integration, backup and cloud offerings

Marquis Broadcast will showcase its world-class disaster recovery and business continuity tools at NAB (booth SU6225), including the new Premiere Parking software for Adobe® Premiere® Pro CC, part of the Adobe Creative Cloud, an Interplay Metadata Export Tool, plus Medway Cloud Workflow. The company will also be demonstrating its newly Avid certified Workspace Tools suite, which uses unique analytics to accelerate recovery to production.

Premiere Parking

Premiere Parking is ideally suited to an editor who might want to move projects from a desktop to a laptop system and start working immediately, without having to worry about missing media. It is the first step towards the full Adobe® Premiere® Pro CC version of Marquis’ Project Parking software. It can read Adobe Premiere Pro CC projects, copy the media files that are referenced in the project, and move these to a new location, creating an updated version of the project that points to the new media location.


Interplay Metadata Export Tool (IMET)

IMET, on show for the first time at NAB, enables customers to take an Avid® Interplay® project and media metadata and export it – essential when archiving projects from an Interplay system. This is useful to backup Interplay metadata, make it more widely available and to reduce the size of the Interplay database. The utility works alongside the archiving process, exporting metadata so it’s fully-searchable via a web browser, displaying a list of projects that you can open to see the metadata information for all assets (master clips, sub clips, etc.) along with headframes and a downloadable copy of the AAF file for sequences. It is possible to search across projects, assets or any system or user fields.


Medway Cloud Workflow

Introducing hybrid cloud / ground automated media workflows. Medway is a very powerful and scalable media-centric middleware solution, which enables a complete digital workflow to ensure edit platforms, MAMs, video servers and archive systems work seamlessly together. This new Medway cloud workflow allows a customer to process content with the Medway Engine Web Services (MEWS) hosted in Amazon Web Services. MEWS will detect when new media has arrived in cloud storage, transcode it to a ‘Proxy’ copy and then download this to a local site, it is then picked up by the local Medway system and automatically ingested into the Avid system. So, for example, the customer wants to make a promo about a programme that has been put in the cloud, they can now edit locally based on the ‘Proxy’ format, then issue a request for the Medway system to download the required partials from the high-resolution versions in the cloud. These will then be automatically extracted, downloaded, ingested and relinked in the background. This workflow is ideal for multi-site workflows, saving physical shipment of files on drives and minimising cloud storage egress charges.


Delta Parking

Marquis’s Parking tools help simplify workflows and collaboration associated with Avid project backup, including a new versioning of Avid project workflows, called Delta Parking, This now means an Avid project can be moved to shared storage or cloud, picked up by a remote freelancer or production facility, edited, then versioned back to the storage – only the changes are versioned which means only new media and the project metadata is moved. The project can then be restored back into the source project in Avid ISIS® or NEXIS™. It’s a great way to share projects whilst protecting and managing the project. Better still, Delta Parking is a standard capability of Project Parking – ideal for productions using distributed contributors and making remote productions practical.


Avid Certification for Workspace Tools

Marquis Broadcast has announced that its Workspace Tools products are now Avid Platform Certified, delivering Avid’s seal of approval for the company’s powerful disaster recovery, backup and business continuity solutions. Marquis is already an Avid Certified Alliance Partner with its Project Parking software, which enables Avid project media to be archived, moved/parked or deleted as required. Now, with Avid certification for Workspace Tools, Marquis has demonstrated how its products operate seamlessly within the Avid environment, providing customers with world-class disaster recovery and business continuity solutions.

The Workspace Tools suite – comprising Workspace Backup and Workspace Sync – currently support large scale, backup and sync workflows. Using Workspace Tools, all work in progress can now be secured in cloud infrastructure; this means the cloud can now become the main repository for project files and media. Simple navigation tools allow Media Composer editors to visualise and navigate into any version, project or bin in the backup, be it in Tier 2 storage and/or cloud.

Already Avid-certified, Marquis Broadcast’s Project Parking tool is the industry gold-standard for Avid storage management analytics and project portability, providing project analytics, visualisation, management and archiving. It also features cloud support, delivering seamless management for Avid ISIS or NEXIS storage, and is an ideal productivity tool for film production, post and broadcast. Project Parking provides project analytics, visualisation and archiving and can be a valuable tool for billing for usage. It helps companies understand the capacity of productions, allowing them to easily export projects to tier two or cloud storage to make way for a larger incoming production on valuable ISIS or NEXIS storage space.


To find out more about Marquis Broadcast’s latest product announcements, please join them at NAB on stand SU6225

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