
Marquis Broadcast at IBC 2018

Company launches Fotonflite™ secure transfer system for Avid Media Composer projects and media workspaces, plus demonstrates its latest project integration, backup and cloud developments

Marquis Broadcast will showcase its world-class disaster recovery and business continuity tools at IBC (stand 7.D39) this September, including the new Fotonflite™ secure transfer system. The company will also showcase its Interplay Metadata Export Tool (IMET) in Europe for the first time, which enables customers to take an Avid® Interplay® project and media metadata and export it, along with developments in its Project Parking, Medway and Edit Bridge solutions. In addition to the Marquis stand, visitors to IBC will be able to explore Marquis Broadcast’s products on the nearby IBM stand (7.B25), with Medway media integrations between Avid and IBM Cloud Object Storage and Fotonflite based project workflows within Marquis’s Avid-certified Workspace Tools suite.


Marquis Broadcast has launched Fotonflite – a high-performance, secure, ‘on-the-fly’, point-to-point transfer system for Avid Media Composer® projects and media workspaces across the Internet. It allows files to be moved between source Avid ISIS/NEXIS systems and a range of remote target storage types, including Avid, generic and proprietary storage. Fotonflite is a seamless option for Marquis Workspace Sync, Workspace Backup and Project Parking professional production tools, which are all Avid Platform Certified. Fotonflite is unique in its ability to directly connect and securely synchronise live Avid ISIS/NEXIS systems, especially with Avid work-in-progress, and is ideal for connecting production centres over the Internet, for example, Pinewood and Hollywood.


Interplay Metadata Export Tool (IMET)

IMET, on show at IBC for the first time in Europe, enables customers to take Avid Interplay project and media metadata and export it – essential when archiving projects from an Interplay system. This is useful to backup Interplay metadata, make it more widely available and to reduce the size of the Interplay database. The utility works alongside the archiving process, exporting metadata so it’s fully-searchable via a web browser, displaying a list of projects that you can open to see the metadata information for all assets (master clips, sub clips, etc.), along with headframes and a downloadable copy of the AAF file for sequences. It is possible to search across projects and assets using any system or user fields.

New dashboard plus serverside encryption for Project Parking

Marquis Broadcast’s Avid Platform Certified Project Parking tool is the industry gold standard for Avid storage management analytics and project portability, providing project analytics, visualisation, management and archiving. Its new dashboard feature enables usage tracking for Marquis Workspace Tools and Project Parking systems, and is especially useful for multi-site companies, helping to monitor data usage. For example, the dashboard allows customers to monitor the amount of data that’s being backed up using Workspace Backup at various sites, along with when it was processed; or it can also be used to check the amount of data that’s processed via Project Parking, along with when it was archived, to ensure the systems are being used routinely. Project Parking now also has the option for serverside encryption for AWS S3 and support for restoring from Amazon Glacier cloud storage for long-term archives.

Edit Bridge

Edit Bridge is successfully used worldwide in production companies, broadcasters and post houses to integrate non-Avid editors and artists with an Avid Interplay environment. It enables the attachment of many more non-Avid concurrent and non-concurrent editors to Avid Interplay. The latest release of the software includes a new search panel, which enables building custom searches of Interplay files, allowing you to configure fields that you can search against.

Medway Update

Medway is a very powerful and scalable media-centric middleware solution, which enables a complete digital workflow to ensure edit platforms, MAMs, video servers and archive systems work seamlessly together. The latest version of this middleware adds motion compensated deinterlacing for 1080i to progressive conversion, 4k HDR to HD SDR processing and frame rate conversion, delivering great flexibility for media workflows.

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